A homonymic and homographic novel sourced from Walter Abish's seminal Alphabetical Africa (New Directions, 1974).

The abstraction is made more difficult in that only homonyms of noun-verb pair are retained from the original text.

wordlist: abstract abuse accent accents account account account account account account accounts accounts accounts ache Act act address address address addresses addresses advance advance advance advance advance advance advance advance advance advances advances advances advances age age age age age age age age age Aim Aims aims Air air air air air air air air air air air alarm alarm alarm alert alert amount anchor anchor answer answer answer answer answer answer answer Answers Answers answers answers answers ape Apes appeal appeal arch arches arches architect Arm arm arm arm arms arms arms arms arms arms arms arms article article assault assault assault attack attack attack attack attack attack attack attack attack attack attacks attacks Attacks attacks attacks Attacks attacks attacks auction auction auction auction Auction auction auction auction auction Auction auction auction author author author author author author Author author author author author author author author author 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